WICG/eyedropper-api Issues

Last updated May 18, 2024, 5:45:49 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


Try to triage issues within . [ More Info ]

Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#20 Allowing users to switch tabs or windows while the eyedropper mode is ON
#21 also return mouse button in result
#23 Option to constrain picking from a particular DOM element
#26 Eye dropper is not picking correct color when you switch browser tabs
#27 UI still exists after cancelling the eyedropper mode with AbortController
#28 Linux Gnome Chrome rgba instead of hexCode Eyedropper API
#29 When i work with dual screen computer, the 'sRGBHex' cannot be accurately obtained
#30 EyeDropper API is not returning correct value of color
#31 EyeDropper API is returning rgb string as color output
#33 Event Listener doesn't work while Eye Dropper is active.
#35 Consider extending <input type=color> instead