WICG/fenced-frame Issues

Last updated May 18, 2024, 5:45:51 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


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Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#13 [Spec] Do not fire beforeunload/unload handlers in the Fenced Frame tree
#18 Treat POST resubmissions as cancelled and never prompt the user
#19 Reinitialize storage partition nonce on embedder-initiated navigations
#20 Specify top-level navigation with new _unfencedTop keyword
#23 [Spec] Define the behavior of upgrading insecure request
#28 Cover Local Network Access changes in web platform integration doc
#29 Consider supporting for `loading=lazy`
#41 [Spec] Add nonce to network and storage partitioning keys
#42 [Spec] Powerful API Restrictions in fenced frame
#43 Add the service worker section to the web platform integration explainer
#45 Disable same-document navigations across the fence boundary
#46 Spec an API to tell if an opaque-ads fenced frame can load in a given context
#82 Permissions policy "container policy" check should be sufficiently fenced
#107 Store the beacon's initiator origin in the pending event struct
#116 [Spec] Spec "substitute macros" helper.
#131 Add example to introduction
#138 Update description of sharedStorage selectURL budget
#148 Spec "disable embedder-initiated nested fenced frame navigations after disabling untrusted network"
#149 Spec partition nonce functionality
#151 [Spec] Spec network revocation mechanism
#155 [Spec] Spec sandbox attribute for <fencedframe>
#157 [Spec] Spec Protected Audience aggregate reporting integration
#160 Spec does not describe navigator.deprecatedURNToURL