WICG/speech-api Issues

Last updated May 18, 2024, 5:47:09 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


Try to triage issues within . [ More Info ]

Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#29 Define SpeechSynthesisUtterance attribute setters
#31 Restrict SpeechRecognition and friends to secure contexts
#34 Remove the SpeechGrammar constructor?
#42 Remove remaining references to SpeechSynthesisVoiceList
#43 Beyond Speech-to-Text
#47 Clarify what happens if two windows try to speak
#61 onspeechstart onspeechend onsoundstart onsoundend
#76 Defining what should happen if an utterance is changed after passing it to speak()
#84 API and permissions
#85 I found the accuracy of your demo is lower than the demo in google speech to text website
#87 Getter operations return null without proper IDL
#88 Allow null for return values of getters, matching proses
#95 speechSynthesis: utterance with lang but not voice
#96 Why is SpeechRecognition not working correctly in Safari?
#99 Continuously listening
#102 SpeechRecognition ends after unspecified time
#105 need to improve speech recognition in conversation between multiple speakers
#110 Arabic TTS Web Speech is Missing some letters