WICG/turtledove Issues

Last updated Feb 22, 2025, 5:47:17 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


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Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#53 Allow a way to specify start time of interest group membership
#68 PLTD #8: Proposed Changes
#83 Participation on contextual requests required to pass signals back to in-browser bidding logic
#100 FLEDGE: More specific section collecting reporting methods
#122 FLEDGE: User-based A/B testing
#130 Billing in Fledge
#131 FLEDGE: clarification on support for post-view conversion measurement
#137 Rendering detailed workflow
#151 prev_wins and PLTD
#161 Rendering Request Experiment-Entropy
#171 ML challenge on the aggregate reporting API
#177 Aggregate Attribution Reporting API and FLEDGE
#204 some concerns about Feature-Policy HTTP headers
#218 Losing bids aggregated reporting for sellers
#222 Viewability information for the fenced frame
#226 Requesting early updates
#239 Origin Trial - ability to report errors, timeouts
#244 Reporting association between renderUrls and adComponentRenderUrls
#268 Browser Bandit to Curb Computation
#270 Scalable Account Targeting Mechanism
#321 Fenced Frame API for FLEDGE to check if <fencedframe> can load
#420 Define permissions policy within the worklet
#451 Declarative reporting
#615 Spec: make certain functions only available in worklet functions
#620 SDLC, Production Support, Bugs, Escalation, etc
#641 Make sure JS objects are created in the right Realms
#643 Check the ad size units with the CSSWG
#646 Improve spec readability
#647 Consistent arguments for obtaining a script runner
#648 Only start new parallel queues when multiple things need to be serialized
#660 Unify absent sequences and records with empty ones
#665 Add note documenting use of DOMString for execution mode
#666 Editorial: Make better use of the interest group set
#670 Score and rank a bid request batching
#676 Script Runner: Use WebIDL callback invocation
#694 FLEDGE Explainer language is out of date
#696 Improve the "round a value" algorithm
#699 Interest group updates quirks/bugs
#746 Can we have OVHCloud whitelisted for TEE?
#761 UseCases Folder with Suggested Solutions
#776 Multi Tag: Roadblocking
#790 Clarify Validations on Sellers trustedScoringSignalsUrl, Path of Bidding/Scoring Signals URL
#812 Remove Old Messaging Around Web Bundles and Temporary Nature of CDN L…
#817 clarification re: OpenRTB macro substitution capabilities
#823 request for API versioning and stable API surface
#834 Join/Leave request ordering details in explainer are inaccurate.
#846 Multi-Tag Auction: R & D
#853 prevWins Transformer, Output Limited to browserSignals
#922 Additional bids and fetch
#941 Evolution of content types
#944 Key-value server status in FLEDGE.md
#986 [Spec] Resolve screen-relative sizes to pixel sizes when filling in the fenced frame config
#1009 Interest group priority debugging
#1018 updateAdInterestGroups() in explainer
#1021 Spec: create a structure similar to implementation's InterestGroupAuction
#1024 Lacking practical examples of non-DSP-owned Interest Groups
#1025 DSPs as ad component owners
#1041 Spec: Calculate IG's priorities from priority vector
#1050 Digital Services Act compatability
#1085 [Spec] =compute the key hash of reporting ID= uses wrong prefix for buyerAndSellerReportingId and buyerReportingId
#1090 Add incomingBidInSellerCurrency to reporting browserSignals spec for seller
#1113 Expose checked currency from perBuyerCurrencies in buyer's browserSignals
#1144 [Spec] Specify trusted bidding signals priorityVector
#1148 [Additional Bids Request] Arbitrary Seller Payloads for Additional Bids for use in scoreAd and reportResult.
#1158 [Spec] Spec aggregate reporting integration with fenced frames
#1167 Spec: Add noised and bucketed signals to reportWin's browserSiganls
#1184 [Spec] `perSlotSizeQueryParam` isn't initialized
#1185 Multiple IG exclusion in non-remarketing ads
#1206 Get the mandatory unsandboxed flags from the fenced frame spec.
#1207 FLEDGE on-device auctions end-to-end latency
#1215 [Spec] Add real time reporting rate limiting
#1218 Interface to retrieve applied k-anon parameters
#1228 Feature request: updateURL processing to support the leaving of negative interest groups via the nascent header feature (#896)
#1234 Spec: dataVersion argument to "Score and rank a bid" is often missing.
#1242 Increasing the number of bits in Modeling Signals
#1267 Proposal to schedule shared storage worklets from Protected Audience worklets
#1268 Enum values that ignore naming conventions in Protected Audience (formerly FLEDGE)
#1278 Change Interest Group maximum lifetime from 30 to 90 days.
#1284 Decide how to handle errors in trusted key value V2 responses
#1305 Trusted Execution Environment for Testing
#1319 Seeking feedback on propagating contextual signals to TEE KV server
#1334 Improve Scoping of Encryption Keys for Trusted Servers
#1362 update promise list
#1366 BnA doesn't support prevWinsMs
#1382 Add k-anonymity support for automation
#1385 [Spec] Document browserSignals.* for priority signals
#1387 Hmm the W3C spec seems to use lower case: https://wicg.github.io/turtledove/#build-trusted-key-value-scoring-signals-request-body
#1396 Update PA_Feature_Detecting.md (add maxGroupLifetimeMs)