w3c/core-aam Issues

Last updated May 18, 2024, 5:51:56 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


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Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#8 aria-live removal events should or must happen before object removal
#9 Core AAM: Clarify expectations regarding implementation of IAccessible::accSelect()
#10 Core-AAM: Need to verify, expand upon, and/or correct AX API aria-activedescendant exposure
#45 May need to update UIA mappings for aria-expanded to address combobox (et al.)
#50 Add platform mappings for role-change notifications
#111 Difference between combobox at an input or at another element
#124 Joanie should just be the ATK/AT-SPI2 platform mapping maintainer; not an editor
#125 I18N self-review
#133 `aria-details` mapping missing `details-roles` object attribute for ATK and IA2
#136 Role "paragraph" should map to UIA Control Type "Group", not "Text"
#164 MSAA mappings for <dd>, <label> and <legend>
#171 migrate aria-common/script/utility.js to core-aam (and possibly other AAMs)
#173 link to "contextual roles" when that lands in html-aam
#195 [editorial] Not showing subsections of 4.4 and 4.5 in the side bar?
#197 Core-AAM should not require notifications for changes in deprecated attributes, like aria-grabbed
#198 Core-AAM state/prop change section needs rewrite
#199 Core-AAM uses state/property in a few places where editorial preference is for "attribute"
#209 UIA states and attribute mappings: all aria attributes should be exposed on AriaProperties
#215 Update AXAPI mapping for aria-label, aria-labelledby to use AXTitle
#219 List all testable changes to accessibility APIs related to changes in ARIA 1.3 from ARIA 1.2
#225 Clarification of *when* a role="alert" should be announced by AT / fire an alert event
#226 Issue: CSS Highlights Not Clearly Documented in AAM