w3c/css-houdini-drafts Issues

Last updated Feb 22, 2025, 5:51:56 AM UTC.


Try to triage issues within . [ More Info ]

Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#461 Serialize property display
#463 Serialization description for position property
#742 [css-typed-om] Add detail considering image state change and repaint.
#854 [text-layout] Houdini and text layout
#887 [CSS-Typed OM] CSSScaleValue should accept one argument
#891 [css-animation-worklet] Explainer feedback
#895 [css-paint-api][css-typed-om] Reifying inputArguments
#896 [css-paint-api] Computed vs. specified values in inputArguments
#909 [css-paint-api] IDL for PaintWorkletGlobalScope is invalid
#914 [css-paint-api] Typo in registerPaint steps
#915 [css-paint-api] invoke a paint callback steps seem to be confused about what object types they are working with
#916 [css-paint-api] Typo in invoking a paint callback
#917 [css-paint-api] Use of entries in the paint class instances map needs to check that they actually exist
#919 [css-paint-api] Function links are broken
#920 [css-paint-api] Invoking a paint callback needs to define how input arguments are passed
#924 [css-paint-api] Enable inputProperties to provide full definitions
#925 [css-properties-values-api] is registerProperty <image> not implemented in Blink ?
#940 [css-properties-values-api] Registering properties in JS could have performance impact
#950 Font Table Access discussion
#951 Font Enumeration API discussion
#957 [css-animationworklet] Will it be possible to control the scrolling position?
#969 [css-paint-api] drawImage() throws error when url() is passed. Why are ImageBitmap, OffscreenCanvas not defined at PaintWorkletGlobalScope?
#970 [css-paint-api] Math.random usage in CSS Paint API leads to jitter in painted effect.
#973 [css-paint-worklet] <template> fragment elements' inline background paint is not working
#976 [css-animationworklet] Retrieve computed data (ie velocity) from AnimationWorklet
#987 [css-properties-values-api] feature request: observe element's computed style changes (with MutationObserver?)
#1007 [css-custom-functions] user-defined custom CSS functions
#1008 What if we could define custom, pseudo-classes?
#1012 [css-animationworklet] Custom easing
#1013 [css-paint-api] Invalidate paint when `devicePixelRatio` changes?
#1015 [css-paint-worklet] How to manipulate pixel data of CSS PaintWorklet context
#1018 [css-box-model] container shape property
#1022 [css-paint-api] Should PaintRenderingContext2D have a filter attribute?
#1024 This sounds like a pretty good fit for the current API that we have exposed. E.g. you could imaging something like:
#1025 [css-animationworklet] Velocity-only spring use-case
#1045 [css-properties-values-api] It is underspecified how relative values in registered properties resolve
#1055 [css-paint-api] Add CanvasFilters to paint worklets
#1057 [css-paint-api] Registering properties from within a worklet.
#1059 [css-properties-values-api] Functions to access individual items in --properties registered with a multiplied syntax
#1071 Use .item(index) in CSSTransformValue, CSSNumericArray or any array like interface
#1074 [css-layout-api] Add markup to define `layout()`
#1078 [css-typed-om] "create a sum value" behavior is undefined for CSSMathClamp type
#1079 [css-animation-worklet-1] Broken references in CSS Animation Worklet API
#1082 [css-layout-api] Is there any way to access the properties of children of an element that uses `display: layout(foo)` ?
#1088 [css-properties-values-api][css-paint-api] Feature proposal: Value Transform worklets
#1093 [css-typed-om] what is "hint" in "add two types" step 3
#1094 [css-typed-om] ratio
#1095 [css-typed-om] StylePropertyMapReadOnly.get return type should be nullable
#1099 [css-properties-values-api] JS API should use CSSOMString
#1100 [css-properties-values-api] Use CSSOMString for JS API
#1101 [css-typed-om] structuredClone for typed-om objects
#1102 [css-typed-om] Add Serializable attribute to css-typed-om objects
#1105 [css-properties-values-api] Clarify whether lengths using viewport units are "computationally independent"
#1108 [css-properties-values-api] Providing a way for @property to be opinionated about its usage
#1111 [css-properties-values-api] Use the appropriate ref link for "parse"
#1112 [css-properties-values-api] Clarify parsing of duplicate descriptor declarations
#1114 [css-typed-om] Simplify CSSMathValues when creating internal rep.
#1118 [scroll-customization-api] is there still interest/ongoing discussions for scroll customization?
#1123 [css-animation-worklet-1] how to enable CSS.animationWorklet
#1130 [css-properties-values-api-1] Should `@property` always be invalid with CSS-wide keywords or property substitutions for `initial-value`?
#1131 [css-properties-values-api-1] Is `@property` valid with `initial-value: smaller` and non-unversal `syntax`?
#1133 [css-typed-om] Clarification on the behavior of StylePropertyMapReadOnly.get() (disagreement between spec and WPT)
#1135 [css-typed-om] Apply the percent hint returns a value which is never used
#1136 [css-layout-api][explainer] add mandatory intrinsicSizes function

Need Edits

Try to apply the edits requested in these issues within . [ More Info ] [ See these issues on Github ]

Issue Title Within SLO Has needed edits for Time left Time past SLO
#488 Add full table of properties and what CSSStyleValues types they normalize to
#465 [css-properties-values-api] PropertyDescriptor::name unnecessarily uses CSS syntax
#285 [css-properties-values-api] mention how animations involving invalid token stream values work
#632 Restrict workers that `CSSStyleValue` is exposed to
#556 [css-typed-om] Serialization of CSSStyleValues constructed from string
#744 [css-layout-api] Need to select policy for selecting global scopes.
#745 [css-layout-api] Lifetime policy for passed in objects, e.g. LayoutChild
#746 [css-layout-api] Lifetime for instance of layout class.
#769 [css-layout-api] Add Diagrams to visualize terminology
#555 [css-properties-values-api] Observer for property being applied?
#659 [css-typed-om-1] What does computedStyleMap() do on elements that are in documents with no browsing context?
#716 [typed-om] Trim CSSResourceValue and subclasses to opaque objects for this level, punt rest to level 2
#733 [css-typed-om] Add a note about partial implementations?
#870 [css-animationworklet] Consider reworking 'Interaction with Animator Instances' section
#903 [css-animationworklet] Use prefer-reduced-motion in some examples
#960 [css-layout-api] const childFragments redefined in example 10
#872 [css-typed-om] use-case: data/audio visualization
#877 [css-paint-api] Cycle possible using inputProperties()
#819 [css-paint-api] HTML spec switches on CanvasImageSource
#844 [css-layout-api] Unregistered layout function and blockification.
#898 [css-layout-api] Design to allow for more layout engine optimizations.
#1072 create a sum value missing CSSMathClamp
#1080 Dependency Cycles via Relative Units with unit algebra
#1092 [css-typed-om] do types have hints?
#1120 [css-properties-values-api] `initial-value` for `*` with arbitrary substitution values
#999 [css-layout-api] Broken link to worklets' explainer
#1089 [css-typed-om] Make CSSUnitValue use unrestricted double