w3c/csswg-drafts Issues

Last updated May 17, 2024, 5:52:44 AM UTC.


Try to triage issues within . [ More Info ]

Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#1855 [extend-rule]
#3778 Separation of style and content
#4040 Composing class names inside media queries
#4825 Need a definition for what it means for something to be painted on screen
#5383 [resize-observer-1] Invoke callback with observer as 2nd argument and `this` value
#5666 [css-animations-2] Describe behavior for changes to animation-timeline
#5690 [css-transforms-1] Fix mistakes in Example 5 (closes #4767)
#5702 [css-transforms-1] Fix 5520
#5751 [scroll-animations-1] Specify liveness of element references
#5785 [css-font-loading-3] Remove unused ForEachCallback
#6497 [css-cascade-5] Fix cross-link to CSSOM-1 for "final CSS style sheets" concept
#6688 [css-transitions-1] Define before/after-change style in terms of base
#6754 [css-pseudo-4] [css-highlight-api-1] Integrate custom highlights into css-pseudo-4
#6990 A proposal for controlling screen brightness
#6991 CSS Toggles Proposal
#7008 [css-toggle] scope enum bikeshed: change from narrow/wide to shallow/deep
#7172 Give authors the ability to style form validation messages
#7443 [css-nav-1] Scope event definition to target interface
#7611 [css-scoping-module]: host-selector specificity replication removal
#7150 Define guidelines for preprocessors, libraries, frameworks
#7740 [css-contain-2] Improve definition of contentvisibilityautostatechange event
#8033 [css-contain-2] Adds missing attribute values.
#8125 [resize-observer] Update initial value of lastReportedSizes #3664
#8213 [selectors-5] Add custom state pseudo-classes
#9109 Allow authors to configure a few settings from within CSS (CSS `@config`)
#9215 [css-contain-3] Define the block contents of `@container` with `<rule-list>`
#9219 [web-animations-1] Define 'start time' for animation effects
#9308 [selectors-4] Replace :user-valid/:user-invalid definition with HTML spec
#9360 [web-animation-2] Avoid using a dictionary for range in animation IDL
#9428 [css-pseudo-4] Add discussion of properties from the originating element
#9480 [css-syntax-3] Rename `<an+b>` to `<an-b>`
#9604 [css-cascade-5] page and view-transition at rules should cascade
#9620 [css-logical] Add `block-start` and `block-end` values to `caption-side` property
#9633 [css-pseudo-4] Clarify text decorations in ::spelling-error and ::grammar-error
#9664 [cssom-view] Add 'onmove' event handler for the Window object
#9676 [css-view-transitions-1] Defer restoring persisted state until after capturing old state
#9727 [css-shapes][editorial] Define production rule for `<basic-shape>`
#9797 [css-shapes-2]: apply minor comments to `shape()` syntax
#9902 [css-sizing-4] Define stretch sizing properly, rather than (incorrectly) indirecting thru stretch alignment.
#10014 [cssom-1] Simplify setting MediaList.mediaText
#10066 [css-text-3] The spec should provide guidance about interop issues related to ink overflow from text
#10085 [css-text-decor-4] #10066 Describe extent of ink overflow
#10091 [css-cascade][css-scoping] Allow layers to use different names in different contexts
#10097 [css-view-transitions-1] Doc: why all source links in the blog can't work ?
#10118 enable touch accelerated scrolling even for mouse pointers
#10131 [mediaqueries] Lift <media-feature> parens to <media-in-parens> (#6806)
#10135 [css-color][css-images] Interpolation method / color space that favors chroma over lightness
#10139 [css-align-3][css-overflow-3] Content alignment on scroll containers extends scrollable area #4957
#10141 [css-text-4] hanging-punctuation property not language-specific enough
#10156 [mediaqueries-5] Logical Media Queries
#10169 [css-view-transitions-2] Early Horizontal Review #8109
#10176 [css-cascade-5] Add an adoptStyles capability in ShadowRoots (WICG 909: open-stylable Shadow Roots)
#10178 [css-properties-values-api] enhance `@property` with `scope` for `source`/`local` to determine the scope of nested custom property values
#10199 Define "part-like pseudo-element", from #10083.
#10203 [css-color-5] Colors where all channels (except) alpha have a value of `none`
#10205 Top layer extended to the entire device screen, popover also rendered outside the page window
#10223 [css-position] `position:sticky` being limited to children with `inline` acenstors can be confusing. Allow bypassing this limitation. `stick: scroll`
#10224 show shorthand if a item has
#10227 [css-scroll-snap-2] Specify scroll-start-target
#10228 Suggestion : reference Support full document link jump
#10243 [css-overflow-4] Define scroll-markers
#10253 [cssom-view] scroll properties and unscaled values
#10262 [css-color] Global Color Adjustments
#10270 [css-spec-viewport-1] updated the values for zoom property
#10276 [web-animations-2] Why are Range Configs Applied to the Animation and not the Timeline?
#10279 [css-gcpm-3] Fix typo
#10281 [css-next] Call for feedback: RFC open for CSS Levels categorization
#10282 [css-sizing] Proposal: `default-width` CSS property
#10286 [css-variables-2][css-properties-values] Constants in CSS
#10289 [CSS-UI] caret-shape: block/underscore and overflow
#10293 [css-ui] `outline-style` should work for both UA and author values around anonymous block boxes
#10295 [css-cascade-6] Clarify circular dependency (In wording) in finding scoping limits.
#10296 [selectors] Adding a `:heading()` selector for headingoffset?
#10300 [css-contain] Stacking Context is undesired
#10301 [css-viewport] Add clarification that path() contents are zoomed
#10303 [css-view-transitions-1] Naming elements inside shadow DOM via `::part`
#10309 [css-font-loading-3][editorial] Reference WebIDL BufferSource
#10330 [css-will-change] new property will-change-to
#10331 [mediaqueries-5] SVG images referenced by img elements do not respect prefers-color-scheme in forced-colors mode
#10335 [mediaqueries] CSS Media Feature for Color Vision Adjustments
#10336 [css-cascade-6] reusable named scopes
#10341 [css-anchor-position-1] position-try-options interaction with position-visibility
#10344 [css-scroll-snap-2] Align event handler names with event names

Need Edits

Try to apply the edits requested in these issues within . [ More Info ] [ See these issues on Github ]

Issue Title Within SLO Has needed edits for Time left Time past SLO
#412 [css-syntax] [css21] url parsing contradiction between 2.1 and Syntax
#910 [css-transforms-2] rotate3d definition could be more explicit about normalization to unit vector
#915 [css-transforms-2] Term 'accumulated 3D transformation matrix' misleading
#917 [css-transforms-2] Backface-visibility cannot be tested by only looking at m33
#918 [css-transforms-2] Preserve-3d + backface visibility semantics need to be clarified
#972 [css2] Make Root Element In-Flow
#937 [css-rhythm][css-values-4] Figure out the interaction between line-height-step and the lh and rlh units
#1362 [css-font-loading] FontFace.status for font faces in the failure period
#1002 [css-align] Allowing fallback alignments without breaking shorthands
#1684 [css-font-loading] "Invalid" @font-face rules shouldn't create FontFace objects
#206 [css-device-adapt] Terminology: define layout viewport and visual viewport
#247 Should we spec required prefixes directly in the relevant specs?
#1708 [css-scroll-snap][cssom] Define interaction of ScrollIntoView options and scroll-snap
#1436 [css-display][css-position] Computed value of float with absolute positioning when there is no box?
#2324 [css-backgrounds][css-display][css-box] anchoring terminology for the border box taking corner shape into account.
#796 [css-grid] Auto-placement aligning to a named line
#924 [css-transforms-2] Clarify use of matrices by columns in pseudo-code
#2714 [css-images] Clarify how gradients should be serialized in presence of the double-position color syntax
#2733 [font-loading] FontFaceSet.ready never resolves if no font faces are requested
#2740 [css2] Apply the patch from css-ui/box-sizing
#2769 Margin collapsing: pathological collapsing behaviour for auto-height, non-zero min-height elements with self-collapsing child (Issue 211)
#2237 [css-cascade] User stylesheets, UA stylesheets - still something we expect to be real?
#2980 Values and Interactions
#1102 [css-grid-2] Allow minmax where max wins over min
#2611 [css-grid-2] Allow fr units as min
#2853 [css-images-3] Interpolating A with cross-fade(p% A, B)
#3102 [CSS2] define and use a term for things that create a stacking context
#3050 proposal: [CSS-cascade] import only in moment when we need it.
#3285 [css-env] Consider value-level parsing like calc() rather than token-level like var()
#2351 [selectors] Should parse a selector reference error handling?
#3426 Add -webkit- gradients to CSS Images
#2211 [CSS2] empty url() behaviour needs errata to match Level 3
#3673 [resize-observer] ResizeObserver should support fragments
#3674 [css-shadow-parts] make clear that Shadow Parts for built-in elements should not be supported without standardization
#3488 [mediaqueries-5] Privacy considerations.
#3896 [css-shadow-parts][css-scoping] Allow ::part after ::slotted
#3974 [css-flexbox-2] Add a `flex-clear` property
#3906 [css-fonts-4] Clarify how the computed font-size is determined for size keyword
#4165 [css-images] Should CSS decorative images respect EXIF-orientation by default
#898 [css-transforms] need two identity function concepts
#3323 [css-display][css-ui] Should outline apply to elements with 'display: contents'?
#4033 [css-align-3][css-tables] vertical-align in orthogonal table cells
#938 [css-rhythm-1] Avoiding accidental double spacing
#4438 [css-ui] Spec the pointer-events property for non-SVG elements
#4248 FontFaceSet.ready resolve-time
#4726 [css-om-view] Description of zooming is too simplistic
#4728 [css-om-view] Window move and resize functions should be allowed to do nothing
#4724 [css-om-view] Describe layout and visual viewports
#4135 [cssom] Number of layers in getComputedStyle results
#4767 [css-transforms] Error in description of transform in Section 3 example 5
#1562 [cssom-view] Consider making scroll methods return promises
#4983 [css-align-3] Abspos alignment in vertical axis should care about align-self, just like horizontal/justify-self
#3698 [css-inline] initial-letter should allow zero sink?
#391 [css2][css-inline] Definition of line-height calculations contradicts itself
#4482 [css-values-4] Switch advanced attr() to being var()-like
#4828 [multiple] Serialization of rules
#5385 [css-display] math/inline-math
#5482 [css-scoping] Consider aligning ::slotted() for fallback content with implementations
#3281 [css-logical] Mapping of logical values in 'resize'
#4640 [css-images] Integrate with SVG Integration spec
#5608 How widely should HTML's 'aspect-ratio' presentational attribute be applied?
#4099 [css-break] Specify that ink overflow doesn't fragment?
#3404 [css-break-4] Should fragmentation of block-level replaced-elements be configurable? ("object-slice")
#3405 [css-break-4] orphans and widows for fragmented monolithic replaced elements
#5386 [css-text] text-transform values for MathML
#5695 [css-contain-2] apply containment on `content-visibility: visible` ; use `normal` as initial value
#5165 [css-images] image-orientation:none violates same-origin policy
#5795 [css-lists-3] Inconsist `counter()` syntax between CSS 2 and 3
#5721 [css-sizing-4] Expected size of replaced element with aspect-ratio but width/height auto
#5657 [css-ui-4] Use of accent color outside of form control elements
#5969 [css-page] Spec seems confused about descriptors and properties
#5970 [css-page] Should page descriptors support `!important`?
#3305 [css-transforms-2] Is it necessary to serialize all 3 components of translate given the 3rd component is 0px
#6116 [fill-stroke-3] Should % stroke widths be relative to the viewport for CSS?
#6241 [css-images] image-set() resolution should be applied on-top of, not instead-of the natural image resolution.
#6359 [css-backgrounds-3] Embed box-shadow spread rounding demo into spec
#6390 [css-align-3] Import auto-margin handling from CSS2
#6328 [css-fonts] @font-face src: url() format() keywords vs. strings ambiguous in spec
#2864 [css-values-4] inherit() function: like var() for parent value, for any property
#1088 Define which subresources block the DOM load event
#6205 [css-contain] Similar to window.matchMedia(), Container Queries should have a similar method
#6693 [css-flexbox] content size suggestion of image flex items
#4516 [css-transforms-2] Provide more information or a link for the interpolation on rotate property
#2858 [cssom] Serialization of custom identifiers
#2854 [css-transforms-1] What is the computed value of a <transform-list> in the middle of a layout dependent matrix decomposed interpolation?
#3728 [css-ui] Should mention the posibility to ignore custom cursors that go outside of the viewport
#4515 [css-transforms-2] The readiness of shipping individual transform properties - translate, rotate, scale
#6937 [css-color-6] `color-extract()` function to extract individual color components
#5055 [css-values-4] Allow an inline way to do "first value that's supported"
#7016 [css-selectors-4] Clarify the grammar of a functional pseudo-class
#6855 [css-flexbox] Multi-line column flexbox fragmentation
#6692 [css-grid-2] conditional subgrid fallback when no parent grid is available
#6812 [css-flexbox] Flexbox alignment and fragmentation
#7219 [css-masking-1] Fix value definition of deprecated `clip` property
#5305 [css-sizing-4] Splitting intrinsic size / content-based size into two concepts
#6245 Interpolate values between breakpoints
#7311 [fullscreen] Should fullscreen be a modal state?
#7472 [css-syntax-3][css-values-4] Add informative note about tokenization of negative 0
#7495 [css-transforms] Which value of `backface-visibility` does create a containing block?
#4240 [css-conditional] Make CSSSupportsRule expose whether its condition is met
#7524 [css-sizing-4] aspect-ratio via width and height attributes doesn't work for <video>
#7002 [css-cascade-5] Add a R/W `CSSStyleSheet.layer` attribute for the layer name
#7596 [css-flexbox] `align-content: stretch` for abspos children of flex containers should align with browser behavior.
#2826 [css-values] random() function
#7633 [css-conditional-5] Queries re font-technology support queries
#7164 [css-values][css-backgrounds][css-animations][css-transitions][fill-stroke] How to handle linked list-valued properties?
#7591 [css-pseudo] highlight pseudos and non-applicable properties
#6794 [css-flexbox] Change content-size suggestion to min-intrinsic instead of min-content?
#6777 [css-flexbox] column wrap intrinsic size algorithm can make inline min-content > max-content
#4848 [css-tables] Let `*-gap` properties apply to tables
#7576 [css-contain-2] Do we need a resolution for this commit?
#6468 [css-contain-2]: Pause media playback in iframes hidden by content-visibility:hidden
#7233 [css-cascade-7] Is it possible to account for proximity of sibling elements?
#7091 [css-contain-3][css-grid-2] Interaction between subgrid, and containment.
#7595 [mediaqueries] Merge error handling section into evaluating section
#368 [css-shapes][css3-backgrounds] No explicit <position> serialization steps in background spec
#7897 [css-transitions-1] Clarify priority `transition-property` over `transition-timing-function` and `transition-behavior-value` in `transition`
#7655 [css-align-3][css-tables-3] Define last baseline for tables.
#7656 [css-align-3] Baselines need to be defined on fieldsets.
#7346 [selectors] Child & descendant pseudo element combinators
#6250 [selectors-4] Clarify relationship of seeking/playing/pausing/etc.
#7603 [css-contain-2] Incomplete event definition for ContentVisibilityAutoStateChanged
#8044 [mediaqueries] `min-` or `max-` prefixed `<mf-name>` in `<mf-range>`
#7807 [css-contain][css-sizing] `content-visibility: auto` kinda broken by not using last remembered size with `contain: size`
#7838 [css-syntax-3] Descriptor declarations with global substitution value, CSS-wide keyword, `!important`
#4805 [selectors] Custom state pseudo class proposal
#6867 [selectors] Pseudo class to indicated when a slot has content
#5995 [css-ruby-1] Should auto-hide match use NFKC and/or strip white space?
#5641 [css-contain-2] Spec is unclear about whether 0-sized boxes can be "relevant to the user" (since they have zero intersection area)
#7734 [resize-observer] What should the fragment-aware behavior be when there are no fragments?
#7736 [resize-observer] Fragment-aware behavior for SVG?
#8276 [css-link-params] param() in src()?
#5868 [css-contain-2] Clarify what happens with scrollbars on elements that 'skip their contents'
#7766 [css-highlight-api] Exposing shadow DOM highlights in highlightsFromPoint()
#5745 [selectors][css-nesting] Move nest-containing and nest-prefixed selector definitions to Selectors
#7714 [css-flexbox] overflow clip on SVG elements and flex layout
#8244 [mediaqueries][css-contain] How to evaluate `<ratio>` queries?
#7810 [css-scroll-snap] Clarify what UAs should do in cases of 0-height or 0-width optimal viewing region
#7144 [css-images-4][css-overflow-3] How do `object-overflow` and `object-view-box` interact with `overflow` and `overflow-clip-margin`?
#7606 [css-sizing] Last remembered size for non-atomic inlines?
#7659 [css-sizing] Define precise timing for setting last remembered size?
#7598 [css-sizing] Last remembered size when fragmented?
#7564 [css-sizing] Is last remembered size logical or physical?
#7539 [css-sizing] How does 0x0 size affect last remembered size?
#7532 [css-sizing] Should last remembered size be removed if the element is removed from the document?
#7529 [css-sizing] Is the last remembered size recorded if there is size containment in a single axis?
#7527 [css-sizing] What happens with the last remembered size if there is no principal box?
#7520 [css-sizing] Clarify contain-intrinsic-size with multicolumn/grid
#7519 [css-sizing] Clarify how contain-intrinsic-size affects size containment algorithm
#6807 [css-images] @image rule for manipulating images
#8407 [css-contain][css-sizing] Behavior of slightly offscreen content having `content-visibility:auto` and `contain-intrinsic-size` when UA margin around the viewport is 0
#8493 [css-grid-2] Subgrid auto repeat calculation when <line-name-list> size isn't a multiple of remaining subgrid tracks
#8361 [css-overflow] add method to prevent elements from contributing to scrollable overflow
#8514 [css-contain-2] If element is in the top layer, are its contents necessarily relevant to the user
#8389 [css-display] Interaction gotchas when delaying the effect of `display: none`
#8257 [css-display-4] Define 'reading-order: auto' #7387
#7751 [css-cascade-6] Handle sibling-proximity in @scope
#7858 [css-contain-3] Reference named containers for cq units
#8197 [css-contain] Container queries within display:none are difficult to implement
#7429 [css-contain-3] Clarify Container Relative Lengths
#8658 [css-namespaces-3] `@layer` statement should be valid before `@namespace`
#8677 [css-view-transitions-2] MPA and SPA API compatibility
#5629 Multiple stylesheets per file
#8266 [css-images] Define what happens when all image-set options are invalid
#1477 [css-display] How does block inside inline affect the box tree, exactly?
#8538 [cssom] Serialize numbers using scientific notation?
#8607 [css-overflow-3] What clips scrollable overflow?
#8620 [css-sizing-4] min-intrinsic-sizing needs to be per-axis, or have axis keywords.
#7737 [css-sizing] Add `contain-intrinsic-size: auto none`?
#8551 [css-cascade] "document order" is undefined
#8459 [css-rhythm-1] block-step-size animations
#8346 [css-images] Define `<zero>` as an alternative for `<angle>`
#8799 [web-animations-2] Progress APIs
#8944 [web-animations-1] Keyframe computed value computation is confusing
#8945 [web-animations-1] Clarify consequences of mis-sorted keyframes
#4949 [css-text-3] Switch line-breaking handling of atomic inlines
#7392 [css-contain] Clarify what happens when `display: contents` and `contain: style` are used together
#6429 [css-display] Why is display listed as not animatable instead of animation type: discrete?
#7493 [css-mediaqueries] Should prefers-color-scheme in iframes be context-dependent?
#9069 [css-nesting-1] Ambiguity of specificity when no nesting selector is used
#8884 [css-flexbox] Intrinsic main size algorithm for row flexboxes not web compatible
#7580 [css-pseudo] highlight pseudos and compat stroke/fill properties
#9029 [css-lists-3] counter-increment and counter-reset overflow/underflow
#6641 [css-pseudo] Custom properties on :root
#2881 [css-nesting] Concern about combinatorial explosion
#6946 [css-animations-2] Make animation shorthand syntax future-proof
#8915 [scroll-animations-1] blocking effects of timeline-scope
#6755 [css-pseudo-4] [css-highlight-api-1] Integrating custom highlights into css-pseudo-4
#6853 [css-pseudo] Safari’s ::selection “wash” and UA tweaks to highlight colors
#8855 [css-contain-3] Add container-font relative units
#8998 [mediaqueries-5] Parsing strategy for range syntax
#9033 [css-text] Phrase line breaking should fallback to normal line breaking if overflow
#9176 [css-writing-modes] Application of text-combine-upright should be defined in terms of typographic mode
#3713 [css-transforms] Inconsistencies in 2D and 3D matrix decomposition
#8357 [selectors] Drop `:target-within`, deprecate `:focus-within`
#5379 [css-pseudo-4] Should `line-height` be applicable to `::placeholder`?
#7348 [css-cascade-6] Add ability to scope rules from an imported stylesheet
#8829 [css-inline-3] It's impossible to use `text-box-trim` without changing line progression within the paragraph
#7244 [css-images-4] Allow stripes to be used as gradients
#9344 [css-inline][css2] Only inline padding/border/margin avoids invisible line boxes
#8959 UA stylesheets in CSS specs cause interop issues
#9233 [css-text-decor] [css-pseudo] text-decoration-line:: spelling-error inside ::spelling-error pseudo (and grammar)
#9471 [css-text][text-autospace] Is halfwidth Kana "non-ideographic letters"?
#9111 The definition of text-wrap:balance is overprescriptive
#2463 [css-conditional-4] Feature detection for descriptors
#9451 [css-typed-om-1] Should css typed om support the same simplifications as css-values-4?
#8356 [selectors] consider preserving invalid selectors in :is() and :where()
#3622 [css-grid-1] Add more directional values to grid-auto-flow
#9325 [css-grid-3] Repeat range
#7845 [css-pseudo] Define ::backdrop
#9192 [css-contain-3] Make `<container-query>` optional in `@container`
#4660 [css-align-3] Punt baseline-alignment to level 4
#9558 [css-namespaces] Define <q-name> and <wq-name>
#9601 [css-view-transitions-2] @view-transition resolution algorithm should cascade
#9178 [css-scoping][css-cascade] :scope in shadowy prelude-less @scope matches nothing
#9025 [css-cascade-6] :scope and featureless elements
#9637 [css-borders-4] Add logical variants of `border-clip-*` longhands
#9252 [css-borders-4] Rename `border-clip-<side>` to `border-<side>-clip`?
#116 [css-backgrounds-4] Add background-repeat-x/y
#8622 [css-images-4] Allow transitions between different types within `stripes()`
#8942 [css-animations-2] Add animation-trigger for triggering animations when an element is in a timeline's range
#549 [css-backgrounds-4][css-values-4] Align logical values for <position> with the ones defined in CSS Logical Properties
#7185 [css-contain-3] Move style queries of standard properties to level 4
#9621 [css-scoping] Always serialise the implicit `:scope` ?
#7693 [cssom-view] No event to track window position
#7118 [css-pseudo] [css-highlight-api] support for pseudo-elements?
#7768 [css-display-3] text run ?
#4957 [css-align-3] What is supposed to happen to abspos in an end-aligned scroll container?
#5477 [css-lists] CSS counter scope/inheritance is incompatible with HTML ordinals
#5253 [css-overflow-4] overflow into the gutter
#5828 [mediaqueries-5] active vs inactive window states
#7700 [css-ui-4] Align canonical order of `outline` sub-properties with `border`
#7628 [css-anchor-position] Full markup and CSS examples
#7465 [css-grid-2] How to properly accommodate margin/border/padding of a subgrid with no item on the edges
#9868 [css-anchor-position-1] `position-fallback-bounds` vs `position-container`
#9121 [css-transforms-1] The computed value of `transform` if the transformed element is display:none
#9640 [css-transforms] `transform-box:stroke-box` with `vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke` creates a cyclical dependency
#6150 [css-pseudo-4] Ensuring selection foreground/background contrast
#9456 [css-backgrounds] background-clip: border-area
#9843 [css-shapes] Allow optional rounding parameter for `polygon()`
#9103 [css-multicol] What is the max-content width of a muticol container with only column-width:<length>
#7513 [css-highlight-api] Approaches for dispatching highlight pointer events
#9350 Proposal: Custom CSS Functions & Mixins
#9750 [css-values] Clarifying serialization of negative zero and expression simplification
#8914 [css-fonts] It should be possible to slant glyphs to the left for italics/oblique
#9909 [CSS Pseudo] Revisit CSS Custom Properties in highlight pseudos
#9803 [css-contain-2]: Should the first `contentvisibilityautostatechange` event be fired without knowing if the element is close to the viewport
#9423 [css-writing-modes] spacing within text-combine-upright
#10050 [css-text-decor] Propdef table for text-decoration-thickness shouldn't say "Percentages: N/A"
#9917 [css-scroll-snap] Snap point selection when scrolling into view should try to make targeted element visible
#10080 [css-speech-1] Replace percentage types by combined <*-percentage> types
#10079 [css-page-floats-3] Replace percentage types by combined <*-percentage> types
#10081 [css-template-1] Replace percentage types by combined <*-percentage> types
#10107 [css-fonts] `CSSFontFaceDescriptors` is missing descriptor attributes
#10120 Ambiguity or omission in list of steps for "CSS Syntax Level 3", section "4.3.4. Consume an ident-like token"? [css-syntax]
#5322 [css-color-hdr-1] Query 9: Black Level
#10116 [css-images-4] Should `contain-intrinsic-size` affect `object-fit`?
#7916 [css-anchor] anchor-name should not leak out of a shadow tree
#8727 [css-anchor] Anchor positioning should be logical first, not physical
#10151 [css-color-5] Behavior of `none` in relative color syntax
#7526 [css-mediaqueries] Clarify propagated preferred color-scheme on SVG images with color-scheme: normal and no color-scheme meta tag
#3937 [css-overflow-4] Ellipsizing of text in middle of string
#9310 [css-text-4 / css-overflow-4] Interaction of `text-wrap: balance` and `(-webkit-)line-clamp`
#10073 [css-ruby-1] Breaks within implicit bases is not Web-compatible
#10211 [css-color-4] Clarify that `none` is preserved in calculations
#10175 [css-scroll-snap-2] Should pseudo-elements show up as null SnapEvent.snapTargetBlock/Inline
#10173 [css-scroll-snap-2] Should snap events fired at the document bubble?
#9697 [css-scroll-snap-2] Use present tense for snap event names
#10212 [css-pseudo-4] single highlight pseudo for find-in-page?
#10213 [css-pseudo-4] painting order of find-in-page highlights
#10245 [mediaqueries-3] Republish REC
#10264 [css-view-transitions-1] Skip ViewTransitions in detached iframes
#9588 [css-view-transitions-2] [css-pseudo-4] Clarify ordering of `::view-transition` with other tree-abiding pseudo-elements
#10154 [css-align] Inconsistent fallback alignments for space-between and space-around/evenly
#5426 [css-inline-3] text-box-trim accumulation
#9964 [css-text-3] Disambiguation about soft wrap opportunities around replaced elements
#10197 [css-view-transitions-1] Clarify implications of scrolling during a transition
#5984 [css-contain] CQ vs shadow boundaries
#8320 [css-view-transitions-2] view-transition-name determined by element
#10312 [css-anchor-position] Initial value of `position-anchor` should be `auto` not `implicit`


Try to maintain fewer than 25 agenda items and discuss issues on the agenda within . [ More Info ] [ See these issues on Github ]

Issue Title Within SLO On the agenda for Time left Time past SLO
#2312 [CSS2] How do zero-width floats affect subsequent content
#8895 [css-anchor-1] Allow anchoring to a particular fragment
#8195 [css-grid-3] FPWD for Masonry Layout
#3080 Do we need :focus-visible-within ?
#9935 [css-grid] Include scrollbar gutter in #subgrid-edge-placeholders
#9852 [css-ui-4] Transparent accent colors
#9939 [css-position] Static position of abspos top layer elements inside fixed pos.
#6384 [css-fonts-5] font-size-adjust with missing metrics
#9236 Add hover/focus/long-press triggering delays to CSS
#9660 [css-color-adjust] Allow authors do define custom `color-scheme` values.
#8064 [css-color-adjust-1] Emojis in forced colors mode
#5998 [css-ui] appearance: base to enable interoperable styling of controls/components
#8282 [css-view-transitions-2] Ignore offscreen elements from participating in transitions
#9356 [css-anchor-position-1][css-display-4] Anchor Positioning and Display Order
#9904 [css-overflow] Top layer containing block and scrollbar-gutter
#9921 [css-display-4] Is reading-order-items the best name for this property?
#9923 [css-display-4] Proposed alternative syntax for reading order
#10013 [cssom] Can we lift the restriction on constructed flag for adoptedStylesheets?
#9916 [css-tables][css-backgrounds] Does background-clip work on table columns and rows?
#7884 [css-box-4] Longhand values of `margin-trim` allow more combinations than shorthand values
#7770 [css-sizing-3] border-collapse: padding-box
#6922 [css-box-4] Applying margin-trim to inlines
#10042 [css-cascade-6] Should `@scope`'s `<scope-start>` & `<scope-end>` be unforgiving?
#10043 [css-values][css-contain] Can we account for scrollbars on containers when sizing 100cq*?
#10060 Setting the primary scrolling direction for a scroll container
#10064 [css-values?] What is the MVP for inline conditionals on custom properties?
#10092 [css-images-4] Allow gradients with a single color stop and 0-1 positions
#9853 [css-scrollbars] What do (semi) transparent colors mean for scrollbar-color
#10055 [css-color-4] matching displayed colors between CSS colors and images when those colors are outside the displayable gamut
#6900 Republishing Tasks Permathread
#8014 [css-align-3] `grid-*-gap` should be aliases instead of shorthands
#5260 [cssom-view] No way to access the viewport size without losing precision.
#6517 [mediaqueries-5] Script control of (prefers-*) queries
#9237 [cssom-view] Bring the segments property into visual viewport
#10179 [selectors] Should :not(foo) match the host of the shadow tree?
#10196 [css-cascade-6] Specificity of Implicitly-Added `:scope` in Scoped Rules
#10182 [css-anchor-1] position-visibility show/hide animations
#9827 [css-anchor-position]: Question: Why is anchor-size() only valid in a sizing property?
#5092 [css-values] Security concerns regarding attr()
#10049 [css-anchor-position] Nailing down the position-try-options "flip" behavior
#10193 [css-text] Reconsidering the CSS letter-spacing model
#3812 [css-pseudo-4] Add highlight pseudo for in-page search
#5478 [css-content] Quote character choice must depend on surrounding language, not language of the quotation
#9875 [css-conditional] choose names for keyword-based feature queries in @supports and names for initial set of queries
#10234 [css-syntax][css-nesting] Design of `@nest` rule
#10249 [mediaqueries] Effect of <meta name=color-scheme> on the (prefers-color-scheme) MQ
#10238 [css-syntax] Should numbers have type `integer` whenever the actual value is an integer?
#10268 [css-viewport] [css-contain] Zoom and container queries
#10232 [css-grid-3][masonry] Drop `next` value of `masonry-auto-flow`
#10260 [css-grid-3] Drop `masonry-auto-flow: definite-first`?
#10274 [css-grid-3][masonry] Make auto-fit do things
#10275 [css-grid-3] Make align-self/justify-self align including adjacent extra space
#8649 [css-overflow-3] Specify extent of ink overflow
#8361 [css-overflow] add method to prevent elements from contributing to scrollable overflow
#10231 [css-grid-3][masonry] merge masonry-auto-flow into grid-auto-flow?
#10298 [selectors-4][css-pseudo-4] meaning of ::search-text:current(…), :past, :future
#9879 improve styling of <details>/<summary> elements
#8040 [css-position-3] Containing block of dialog fixed position children
#10314 [css-anchor-position] Resolution of percentages: area or track?
#10315 [css-anchor-position] Alignment shouldn't interfere with sizing
#10316 [css-anchor-position] should alignment safety consider the containing block?
#10317 [css-anchor-position] anchor() arguments should be reorderable
#10318 [css-anchor-position] anchor-size() argument should be optional
#10320 [css-anchor-position] position-try: inset-area() does not reflect CSSWG resolution
#10323 [css-overflow-4] Line-clamp and IFC
#10324 [css-overflow-4] compat work-around for line-clamp
#9901 [css-view-transitions-1] How should scroll timeline animations be treated?
#10329 [css-pseudo-4] system colors for ::search-text
#7767 [css-viewport] Add a meta viewport parameter to control ICB layout behavior for interactive overlays