w3c/input-events Issues

Last updated Feb 22, 2025, 5:53:51 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


Try to triage issues within . [ More Info ]

Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#12 Track the source of Intentions
#13 Should Device-Specific Edit Events say what Device-Independent Edit Event they will cause?
#14 Do we need to spec device specific events?
#15 July 29th F2F Agenda Item - History handling (undo/redo)
#24 July 29th F2F Agenda Item - Dragging and dropping
#27 RESOLUTION: have a relatedEvent to point to the UI event that caused a DI event to be fired
#64 beforeinput for intentions that do not yet change anything + cancelation?
#113 Define result of `getTargetRanges()` of `input`
#114 Define what should return `getTargetRanges()` of `beforeinput` after propagation
#127 Bug on Android Web. Input Value duplicates when typing too fast between input fields.
#132 inputType not specified for the input type="number" 'step up/down' event
#133 Gather informations on content replaced by insertReplacementText or trigger a deleteByReplacement event?
#135 Order and cancelation behavior of events in composition disagrees with UI Events
#160 Should <input type=text> get beforeinput event when pressing enter and if yes, should it be cancelable so that submit can be prevented?
#163 Publish level 2 as CR and move on to level 3
#167 "temporal" confusing in `kill buffer`
#168 typos on `insertTranspose`
#169 Consistency between `historyRedo` and `historyUndo`?
#170 Typo, nit, and clarity suggestions
#172 table for dataTransfer contains a longish algorithm


Try to maintain fewer than 25 agenda items and discuss issues on the agenda within . [ More Info ] [ See these issues on Github ]

Issue Title Within SLO On the agenda for Time left Time past SLO
#162 Clarify whether `dataTransfer` may have `text/html` when pasting rich text into `contenteditable=plaintext-only`