w3c/uievents Issues

Last updated Feb 22, 2025, 5:56:16 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


Try to triage issues within . [ More Info ]

Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#3 Browser compliance (especially re: click)
#14 KeyboardEvent.locale is too general
#15 MouseEvent should have DOMString pseudoElement property like TransitionEvent
#21 Proposal for UIEvent "role" property
#23 Specify the Event Loop integration for various non-deprecated events, incl. hit testing
#25 Testing DOM L3 Events
#29 Define that click doesn't fire on disabled elements
#31 [Proposal] Add "Zoom" event
#33 Distinguish between Space and Enter in Forms
#49 Consider adding sourceDevice property to UIEvent
#59 Add reference to Edit Events spec
#61 Firing of click event after mousedown/up has two different definitions
#68 Add composition events to examples
#78 Clarify expected DomKey for Shift+AltGr+0 on Windows with fr-FR layout
#85 Mismatch definition for `beforeinput` with `w3c/editing`
#87 It is unclear whether beforeinput should be dispatched when input event is triggered because of mouse click
#90 Probably remove 3.5 -- very redundant with HTML at the moment.
#92 Status code in load event detail
#97 5.12 event types
#98 5.2 focus events accessibility
#99 5.4.2 focusin and focusout bubble use case?
#100 5.5 input events notifications
#101 5.7 composition events use case
#104 Events do not have "default action"s
#105 When beforeinput/input events are fired seems "strange"
#106 definition for "dispatch" shouldn't be in the UI events spec
#108 Consider integrating InputDeviceCapabilities
#109 Reduce scroll performance impact of `wheel` listeners
#122 Editorial: Use Serbian for key code example
#125 Ed: Use webfonts for Kanji and Serbian characters
#131 Element for dblclick when dblclick results of two clicks on different elements
#158 Ensure prose for key press handling works well with KeyboardLock
#161 Can any code be run between mouseup and click handlers?
#164 Activation behavior and click interaction is not specified
#166 Editorial: Inconsistent Choice of “Descendant”/“Descendent”
#167 Editorial: Grammatical Errors in mouseleave and mouseout Sections
#173 KeyboardEventInit.code section contains broken link to UIEvents-Code spec
#174 Dispatch a click event when keyup or keydown?
#179 keydown event should have an attribute which is set to true when it's followed by a beforeinput or keypress event?
#183 Declare keypress event should be fired when pressing Enter, Shift + Enter and Ctrl + Enter
#186 UI Event Types
#187 Discourage UIEvent reuse
#189 key-event-viewer shows Unidentified for key event for Chrome for Android
#191 Define init*Event() methods imperatively
#194 Define "event constructing steps" for complicated events
#201 Different mousedown behavior between Firefox and Chrome/Safari
#205 Need clarification for when mouseenter/mouseleave should be dispatched for moved elements.
#207 Chromebook keyboard layout missing
#211 Specify that getModifierState does case-sensitive comparison against modifier key names
#213 Spec event.keyCode for keypress events
#221 mouseover/mouseout events can repeatedly causing infinite re-layout in some buggy content
#222 Declare `InputEvent.data` value of `insertLink` should be relative URI if it's specified as relative URI
#223 Declare more detail of `InputEvent.data` value of `formatFontName`
#224 "Process" key should be declared with more detail
#228 What happened to the 'resize' event?
#249 Change DOM_DELTA_PIXEL to be intended scroll distance instead of exact scroll distance
#250 Pixel values should all be in CSS pixels
#251 Declare whether line breaks in `CompositionEvent.data` and `InputEvent.data` should be as-is or converted to `\n`
#257 `wheel` event listeners cannot prevent default scroll only along specific direction
#258 Move impl info from glossary to proper algorithmic description of event handlers
#261 Event order of onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, and onPaste when using pasting (CMD + v) in Mac OS X
#262 Make sure all UIEvents are data-exported (for xref from other specs)
#269 Drop "Sent only if the DOM was updated." from 5.7.6. Input Events During Composition
#280 Composition events lack on* event handler attributes
#294 Differentiate single click event and double click event
#322 Added a new event to communicate context menu dismissal.
#323 Specify the field values for non-pointer `contextmenu` event
#325 Specify typical default scroll action for keydown events with Arrow, PageUp, PageDown, Home, End keys
#326 `MouseEvent.buttons` explanation of `contextmenu` event should mention about the platform dependency
#334 > Overall, Firefox is the most consistent. Ctrl+click and 2-finger-click should act the same, but Chrome and Safari are not. Safari should send auxclick for non-primary mouse clicks.
#335 Remove load/unload/abort/error events
#336 New `contextmenu` event definition missing bypass
#341 Define behavior for wheel event group when the initial target is mutated
#342 Define behavior for wheel event group when the scroll is handed off
#348 Added Insert and Delete to the Location table
#350 Title hover before/after show event
#356 Export composition events from spec
#357 Define "composition session"
#358 Find def for "active text passage"
#361 Cancelable/default action for keydown, composition*, beforeinput, textInput, input
#367 Define events for drag-and-drop operations (textInput etc)
#375 none as default action for keyup event is not consistent with reality
#376 Inconsistency on cancelability of dbclick
#379 Make CompositionEvent.init take a Window rather than WindowProxy
#380 Suggestion: add timestamp of the event
#383 [MouseEvent algorithms] Boundary event dispatch needs to be tied to native down and up events
#384 [PointerLock] Suggest on the new UI for user authorization for Pointer Lock API
#385 Suggestion for the support of Keyboard Lock API
#386 [event-algo] Remove "6.10. send click event"
#387 Fix misspelling of nativeKey
#389 Mandate a minimum dispatch frequency for continuous UI input events
#390 Button order for MouseEvent.button vs MouseEvent.buttons very easy to miss
#392 Fire keypress event for Enter, Shift+Enter, and Ctrl+Enter keys
#393 Clarify `mousemove` event target if preceding `mouseout`, `mouseleave`, `mouseover` or `mouseenter` event listener removes the `mouseover` target


Try to maintain fewer than 25 agenda items and discuss issues on the agenda within . [ More Info ] [ See these issues on Github ]

Issue Title Within SLO On the agenda for Time left Time past SLO
#360 Order of keydown relative to compositionstart