Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO #3 Browser compliance (especially re: click) ❌ 9.6 years 9.6 years #14 KeyboardEvent.locale is too general ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #15 MouseEvent should have DOMString pseudoElement property like TransitionEvent ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #21 Proposal for UIEvent "role" property ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #23 Specify the Event Loop integration for various non-deprecated events, incl. hit testing ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #25 Testing DOM L3 Events ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #29 Define that click doesn't fire on disabled elements ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #31 [Proposal] Add "Zoom" event ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #33 Distinguish between Space and Enter in Forms ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #49 Consider adding sourceDevice property to UIEvent ❌ 9.4 years 9.4 years #59 Add reference to Edit Events spec ❌ 9.3 years 9.2 years #61 Firing of click event after mousedown/up has two different definitions ❌ 9.2 years 9.2 years #68 Add composition events to examples ❌ 9 years 9 years #78 Clarify expected DomKey for Shift+AltGr+0 on Windows with fr-FR layout ❌ 8.9 years 8.9 years #85 Mismatch definition for `beforeinput` with `w3c/editing` ❌ 8.9 years 8.9 years #87 It is unclear whether beforeinput should be dispatched when input event is triggered because of mouse click ❌ 8.8 years 8.8 years #90 Probably remove 3.5 -- very redundant with HTML at the moment. ❌ 8.7 years 8.7 years #92 Status code in load event detail ❌ 8.6 years 8.6 years #97 5.12 event types ❌ 8.6 years 8.6 years #98 5.2 focus events accessibility ❌ 8.6 years 8.6 years #99 5.4.2 focusin and focusout bubble use case? ❌ 8.6 years 8.6 years #100 5.5 input events notifications ❌ 8.6 years 8.6 years #101 5.7 composition events use case ❌ 8.6 years 8.6 years #104 Events do not have "default action"s ❌ 8.5 years 8.5 years #105 When beforeinput/input events are fired seems "strange" ❌ 8.5 years 8.5 years #106 definition for "dispatch" shouldn't be in the UI events spec ❌ 8.5 years 8.5 years #108 Consider integrating InputDeviceCapabilities ❌ 8.4 years 8.4 years #109 Reduce scroll performance impact of `wheel` listeners ❌ 8.4 years 8.4 years #122 Editorial: Use Serbian for key code example ❌ 8.2 years 8.2 years #125 Ed: Use webfonts for Kanji and Serbian characters ❌ 8.2 years 8.2 years #131 Element for dblclick when dblclick results of two clicks on different elements ❌ 8.1 years 8.1 years #158 Ensure prose for key press handling works well with KeyboardLock ❌ 7.5 years 7.4 years #161 Can any code be run between mouseup and click handlers? ❌ 7.4 years 7.4 years #164 Activation behavior and click interaction is not specified ❌ 7.3 years 7.3 years #166 Editorial: Inconsistent Choice of “Descendant”/“Descendent” ❌ 7.3 years 7.3 years #167 Editorial: Grammatical Errors in mouseleave and mouseout Sections ❌ 7.3 years 7.3 years #173 KeyboardEventInit.code section contains broken link to UIEvents-Code spec ❌ 7.3 years 7.2 years #174 Dispatch a click event when keyup or keydown? ❌ 7.2 years 7.2 years #179 keydown event should have an attribute which is set to true when it's followed by a beforeinput or keypress event? ❌ 7.1 years 7 years #183 Declare keypress event should be fired when pressing Enter, Shift + Enter and Ctrl + Enter ❌ 7 years 7 years #186 UI Event Types ❌ 7 years 6.9 years #187 Discourage UIEvent reuse ❌ 7 years 6.9 years #189 key-event-viewer shows Unidentified for key event for Chrome for Android ❌ 6.9 years 6.9 years #191 Define init*Event() methods imperatively ❌ 6.9 years 6.9 years #194 Define "event constructing steps" for complicated events ❌ 6.9 years 6.9 years #201 Different mousedown behavior between Firefox and Chrome/Safari ❌ 6.9 years 6.9 years #205 Need clarification for when mouseenter/mouseleave should be dispatched for moved elements. ❌ 6.7 years 6.6 years #207 Chromebook keyboard layout missing ❌ 6.5 years 6.5 years #211 Specify that getModifierState does case-sensitive comparison against modifier key names ❌ 6.5 years 6.5 years #213 Spec event.keyCode for keypress events ❌ 6.4 years 6.4 years #221 mouseover/mouseout events can repeatedly causing infinite re-layout in some buggy content ❌ 6.1 years 6 years #222 Declare `` value of `insertLink` should be relative URI if it's specified as relative URI ❌ 6 years 6 years #223 Declare more detail of `` value of `formatFontName` ❌ 6 years 6 years #224 "Process" key should be declared with more detail ❌ 6 years 6 years #228 What happened to the 'resize' event? ❌ 5.9 years 5.9 years #249 Change DOM_DELTA_PIXEL to be intended scroll distance instead of exact scroll distance ❌ 5.3 years 5.3 years #250 Pixel values should all be in CSS pixels ❌ 5.3 years 5.3 years #251 Declare whether line breaks in `` and `` should be as-is or converted to `\n` ❌ 5.2 years 5.2 years #257 `wheel` event listeners cannot prevent default scroll only along specific direction ❌ 5.1 years 5.1 years #258 Move impl info from glossary to proper algorithmic description of event handlers ❌ 5.1 years 5.1 years #261 Event order of onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, and onPaste when using pasting (CMD + v) in Mac OS X ❌ 5 years 5 years #262 Make sure all UIEvents are data-exported (for xref from other specs) ❌ 5 years 4.9 years #269 Drop "Sent only if the DOM was updated." from 5.7.6. Input Events During Composition ❌ 4.6 years 4.6 years #280 Composition events lack on* event handler attributes ❌ 4.3 years 4.3 years #294 Differentiate single click event and double click event ❌ 4 years 4 years #322 Added a new event to communicate context menu dismissal. ❌ 3.3 years 3.3 years #323 Specify the field values for non-pointer `contextmenu` event ❌ 3.1 years 3.1 years #325 Specify typical default scroll action for keydown events with Arrow, PageUp, PageDown, Home, End keys ❌ 2.8 years 2.8 years #326 `MouseEvent.buttons` explanation of `contextmenu` event should mention about the platform dependency ❌ 2.8 years 2.7 years #334 > Overall, Firefox is the most consistent. Ctrl+click and 2-finger-click should act the same, but Chrome and Safari are not. Safari should send auxclick for non-primary mouse clicks. ❌ 2.6 years 2.5 years #335 Remove load/unload/abort/error events ❌ 2.4 years 2.4 years #336 New `contextmenu` event definition missing bypass ❌ 2.2 years 2.2 years #341 Define behavior for wheel event group when the initial target is mutated ❌ 2 years 2 years #342 Define behavior for wheel event group when the scroll is handed off ❌ 2 years 2 years #348 Added Insert and Delete to the Location table ❌ 1.7 years 1.7 years #350 Title hover before/after show event ❌ 1.7 years 1.7 years #356 Export composition events from spec ❌ 1.4 years 1.4 years #357 Define "composition session" ❌ 1.4 years 1.4 years #358 Find def for "active text passage" ❌ 1.4 years 1.4 years #361 Cancelable/default action for keydown, composition*, beforeinput, textInput, input ❌ 1.2 years 1.2 years #367 Define events for drag-and-drop operations (textInput etc) ❌ 1.1 years 1 year #375 none as default action for keyup event is not consistent with reality ❌ 10.7 months 10.5 months #376 Inconsistency on cancelability of dbclick ❌ 10.6 months 10.4 months #379 Make CompositionEvent.init take a Window rather than WindowProxy ❌ 7.1 months 6.8 months #380 Suggestion: add timestamp of the event ❌ 6.8 months 6.6 months #383 [MouseEvent algorithms] Boundary event dispatch needs to be tied to native down and up events ❌ 5.2 months 4.9 months #384 [PointerLock] Suggest on the new UI for user authorization for Pointer Lock API ❌ 4.9 months 4.6 months #385 Suggestion for the support of Keyboard Lock API ❌ 4.9 months 4.6 months #386 [event-algo] Remove "6.10. send click event" ❌ 4.9 months 4.6 months #387 Fix misspelling of nativeKey ❌ 4.6 months 4.4 months #389 Mandate a minimum dispatch frequency for continuous UI input events ❌ 2.8 months 2.6 months #390 Button order for MouseEvent.button vs MouseEvent.buttons very easy to miss ❌ 2.7 months 2.4 months #392 Fire keypress event for Enter, Shift+Enter, and Ctrl+Enter keys ❌ 4.1 weeks 3.1 weeks #393 Clarify `mousemove` event target if preceding `mouseout`, `mouseleave`, `mouseover` or `mouseenter` event listener removes the `mouseover` target ❌ 2.4 weeks 1.4 weeks