w3c/webdriver-bidi Issues

Last updated Feb 22, 2025, 5:57:43 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


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Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#64 Add bidi-specific error section
#78 Document our design principles / rules of thumb
#89 Include description in Symbol serialization?
#110 Define a host check and explain when to use secure vs. insecure WebSocket connections
#112 Clarify error handling for navigations
#113 Work out a formalism for queuing tasks
#114 Figure out how to handle non-document navigations
#127 Inappropriate "invalid argument error" in "update the event map" section when trying to remove a not yet subscribed event
#128 Add non-normative information for event registration to browsingContext.contextCreated event
#134 Release a FPWD of WebDriver Bidi
#149 Extend log.entryAdded types to more than just console API and Javascript errors
#151 `browsingContext.create` should be able to support WebDriver classic `New Window` command
#156 Proper handling of "shadow root identifier" and "web frame identifier" in "get object id for an object"
#201 Define `awaitPromise` for `thenable`
#225 "In parallel" bug in handle an incoming message
#262 Support HAR file generation as a BiDi command
#263 Include timestamp in ScriptEvaluateResult
#288 `BrowsingContext.create` should wait for the initial navigation
#313 "get related browsing contexts" does not seem to support nested Workers
#314 Review handling of console logging from ShadowRealms
#315 console steps pass realm id to "serialize as a remote value"
#328 The "serialize as a remote value" may need to be fallible
#357 Include performance navigation timing information in browsingContext events
#358 Consider using a more unique term than event
#371 browsingContext.navigate/reload HTML integration needs updating
#378 "script.evaluate" and "script.callFunction" don't return with "exception" on navigation
#413 Alternatives to Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride
#450 Support all `key` values for WebdriverBidi
#487 Implement capabilities for Drag n' Drop
#488 Keyboard issues
#532 `BrowsingContext.reload` with `wait=None`: What `NavigateResult` to return?
#545 Discussion: need for `browsingContext.waitElement` command
#556 Auto-handle user prompts
#631 network.fetchError: define how errorText should be retrieved / computed
#649 Provide the details of how `sourceOrigin` argument of cookie commands should be validated
#654 Add an option to filter session cookies in `getCookies` or `deleteCookies` command
#662 Status of navigation in WebDriver BiDi
#694 Ability to terminate worker realms
#717 Should modified cookies always override header cookies in update response
#719 Clarify `network.authRequired` handling when interception is not enabled
#743 Support for measuring CSS coverage
#744 Support for measuring JS coverage
#748 Support reading request body
#754 Keeping track of what subscription (or at least subscribed context) an event belongs to
#755 Allow subscribing to user contexts
#767 Sandboxed preload scripts are run in the document's script environment
#772 Add support for "isMobile" argument for "browsingContext.setViewport" command
#773 Add support for "hasTouch" argument for "browsingContext.setViewport" command
#793 Intercepted navigations are not reported to WebDriver BiDi
#798 Add method to clear specific browsing data
#806 Can an implementation define extension command, event, or property names?
#820 How do I get all cookies in a given user context?
#830 Add a "storage.cookieChanged" event
#840 Add reference to local filename to "browsingContext.downloadWillBegin" event
#841 Allow inspection of created WebSockets
#845 Allow to create network intercepts for specific user contexts
#846 Add "from service worker" flag on network response events
#852 should browsingContext.close resolve early when promptUnload is true
#882 `browsingContext.userPromptOpened` event thrown per browsing context