w3c/webrtc-identity Issues

Last updated Feb 22, 2025, 5:57:56 AM UTC.

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Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#22 Handing SDP with more than one identity
#21 Error for when peer identity is wrong
#19 Lifetime of pc.PeerIdentity
#13 Clarity in section 9.7 example 11
#27 Failure of transmission of isolated stream
#5 Section 9.1: when is IdP ready?
#20 Section 9.4: peerIdentity mismatches
#16 Section 10.4.1: target peerIdentity
#2 Refine error reporting for identity assertion
#9 `addTransceiver(track)` doesn't mention checking the origin of track
#15 Format of provider string for setIdentityProvider and validation
#10 Origin value for IdP proxy script
#17 Specifying third party IdP for validating assertion
#1 Default identity provider
#14 Ambiguous definition for IdP errors
#3 The same connection.peerIdentity promise can be resolved multiple times
#4 Stats & isolated streams
#7 Instantiating an IdP Proxy should be defined in terms of Fetch
#12 RTCIdentityProviderGlobalScope looks wrong
#28 Isolated Media Streams requires modification on permission algorithms in GUM and Permissions specs
#6 RTCError suberrors for identity should move to identity spec
#8 Identity needs to refer to track not stream
#24 Move relevant bits of privacy & security consdierations from WebRTC
#40 Broken references in Identity for WebRTC 1.0
#42 Wrong Web IDL type for URLs in Identity for WebRTC 1.0