whatwg/html Issues

Last updated Feb 22, 2025, 5:58:58 AM UTC.

This repository doesn't have the Priority: Eventually label that's used to mark an issue as triaged without giving it an SLO. Until that's added, this summary uses heuristics to guess if each issue has been triaged.


Try to triage issues within . [ More Info ]

Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#158 Clean up response handling
#263 Clarify what events are expected from <option> elements in <select> dropdowns
#310 pause() should return a Promise, allowing currentTime to progress slightly
#311 Some specification UI recomendations
#518 Proposal: implement CanvasDrawPath.fillAndStroke()
#540 What should happen when clicking on the edge of an <area> shape?
#549 <li> in quirks mode should sometimes have list-style-position:inside
#554 HTMLMediaElement's load() should return a Promise
#566 Allow any attributes on <template>
#685 Add oncompositionstart/oncompositionend
#694 Link stylesheet's "appropriate times to obtain resource" doesn't cover all cases
#835 Fire resize event instead of load event for `<img srcset sizes>` density change
#1222 Add example for different origins
#1249 Clarify how CR character tokens can be produced
#1306 <textarea></aaaaa... should insert a text node?
#1460 Figuring out <embed> and <object>
#1569 activeElement should probably be updated before firing blur
#1587 "last updated" attribute on <a>nchors?
#1643 Factor out common logic for img fetching
#1688 Default style for option
#1800 <colgroup> rendering rules should only apply if it's styled as a colgroup
#1805 Should allow purging of unseekable inband cues
#1808 Canvas 2D arcTo assumes current transform is invertible
#1861 Define order of the items in DataTranfer's types attribute
#1881 createImageBitmap - add options to specify SVG viewport
#1904 Change javascript: URL processing to use empty body instead of 204
#2052 Add introductory section for offscreen canvas
#2267 Clarify DnD behavior when dragging file from file browser over document
#2285 Would be nice if "steps to (re)determine what the object element represents" were linkable
#2370 "If the user agent exposes a user interface to the user by displaying controls over the media element, then the user agent should suppress any user interaction events while the user agent is interacting with this interface. " is super vague
#2385 "update the image data" can parse a URL twice (breaking blob: URLs)
#2386 <object> can parse the same URL multiple times (breaking blob: URL)
#2462 group IDL attribute (RadioNodeList) on HTMLInputElement
#2475 Potential createPattern() improvements
#2527 Move "the worker's ports" into the WorkerGlobalScope section
#2581 Shared memory and deactivated agents
#2609 Dimension attributes and CSS don't give things intrinsic dimensions
#2642 Clarify behavior when dragging draggable element with no drag data
#2687 Enabling service workers when opener is not a secure context
#2717 textarea cols and rows IDL attributes
#2725 Define interaction of keyboard and activation more clearly
#2738 Case sensitivity of namespaced attributes in CSS attr()
#2776 Definition of ambiguous ampersand for &ampa; in attribute value
#2778 Allow `dialog.close` to support non-strings
#2782 Add inline annotations of the bibliography references
#2859 Let DataTransfer.setData() accept data in forms other than DOMString, e.g. Blob, elements, structured-cloneable data, etc
#2877 Parse A Srcset Attribute algorithm should return a set of image sources, not a source set
#2911 Switch btoa() to take ByteString and atob() to return a ByteString?
#2981 Can we use HTMLMediaElement or equivalent object without a document?
#3078 Revert CSS Overflow reference after that spec updates
#3228 text/plain form submission seems broken encoding-wise
#3275 Clarify "selection direction"
#3293 about:blank and referrer
#3334 "at the media resource's intrinsic width and int..."
#3394 Remaining "return, but continue"
#3542 Should OffscreenCanvas use unsigned long long rather than unsigned long
#3558 Mixing cross-origin and same-origin postMessage()
#3581 Editorial: (re)adopt ECMAScript conventions
#3590 Unsized media
#3612 Grid-structural selectors
#3786 Animation frames dev edition is web-developer-unfriendly
#3815 minAsDate/maxAsDate to parallel valueAsDate
#3861 Split out subsections of "Event handlers"
#3869 stepUp/stepDown shouldn't preserve empty value
#3886 Syntax section implies SVG/MathML element names are always lowercase
#3899 Lack of clarity on how unloading works recursively
#3912 Disable fieldset/legend rendering magic with CSS
#3973 Parser: reset the insertion mode appropriately
#3996 Add "holding a web lock" to conditions for "protected worker"
#4000 HTML passwordrules attribute
#4003 meta refresh waiting is broken
#4029 Should define when stylesheets are removed.
#4046 Rules for text in tables result in unintuitive parse errors
#4049 Add form disabled attribute
#4147 Expose rendered legends to CSS selectors
#4226 Consider blocking navigating frames to non-fetch scheme URLs
#4265 Consider throwing for postMessage() on a detached MessagePort
#4276 File Upload control rendering: button before or after filename
#4328 Disabling a checkbox or radio button during legacy-pre-activation behavior
#4381 Investigate Window's blur()
#4444 Creating a browsing context incorrectly assumes a hierarchy when initializing its document.
#4452 "Firing a synthetic mouse event" has steps that might not make sense for .click()
#4457 Canvas.filter requires clarification in Shadow DOM context
#4466 window.close() during unload or beforeunload
#4467 HTML fragment parsing algorithm has some clarity issues
#4469 More tightly specify HTMLMediaElement preload/readyState interaction
#4471 <track> elements added with their text track already showing do not run the "time marches on" steps
#4479 Should "list of available images" include fragments in the URL key?
#4481 Define rendering and style for <select>
#4482 Printing steps should integrate with responsive images
#4484 Unclear how ismap="" coords append to existing URLs
#4488 popstate transitioning between documents may not be interoperable
#4491 MSE integration and track removal
#4492 Treat preload="none" as preload="metadata" when load() is called
#4493 Unclear interaction between responsive images and drag and drop
#4561 add explain about "user-scalable=no" and "maximum-scale=1.0" to section of <meta> element
#4628 Use idiomatic terminology for button/legend "shrink-wrap"
#4646 Images' "Reacting to environment changes" step 5 is triggering spurious downloads
#4694 <input type=image> rendering: render title attribute?
#4703 "browsing context scope origin" is currently a no-op
#4839 Abstract <a>, <area>, and SVG <a>
#4914 Augment structured serialize algorithm to optionally compute a canonical serialized length to allow cross-browser consistent data limits
#4928 Almost all uses of "Removed from a document" should use "becomes disconnected" instead.
#4977 Remove the "template" use case for hidden=""
#5037 HTMLConstructor construction steps: inconsistent evaluation order/error cases in implementations
#5060 "Updating the image data" algorithm does not set image's last selected source in responsive mode
#5071 Specify what the minimum content contribution size is for form controls / widgets
#5099 Specify how scrolling works for form controls / widgets
#5124 Add a resize observer step to the "update the rendering" steps
#5129 [Meta issue] Fix external references to HTML user activation behavior
#5151 Standardize which scroll state ought to be restored during page restoration.
#5184 Consider new contenteditable attribute values
#5186 Define that <link type> uses the MIME type parser
#5209 Proposal: input type="digits"
#5245 application-name description and language negotiation
#5254 Data URL dedicated worker needs its own agent cluster
#5340 Nothing states that select/option are replaced elements
#5343 Add gopher to registerProtocolHandler safelisted schemes
#5380 Future: consider exposing SharedArrayBuffer again
#5468 Allow git+https protocol handlers
#5476 Put data URL dedicated workers in their own agent cluster
#5492 marquee element and display
#5555 Proposal: `optionDeleted` event for <datalist> and tags with valid @list
#5577 Reserved environments and how they relate to environments seems kinda broken
#5598 designMode setter issues
#5599 has no style sheet that is blocking scripts
#5607 Clarify "current pixel density"
#5646 Add note on use of ARIA to uniquely identify nav elements
#5680 Audit auxiliary browsing context checks
#5701 Rethinking Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (medium term)
#5782 Custom Elements Built-in Style-ability
#5816 Update URN reference
#5830 N/A value or synthesized value for TextMetrics when fonts don't have values
#5846 Consider to make DragEvent to inherit PointerEvent
#5849 Standalone COEP spec should be gutted now that HTML contains COEP
#5850 Timing of MessagePort entanglement transfer
#5853 picture element in microdata
#5870 "Update the image data" changes currentSrc in parallel
#5951 Update class attribute recommendation to "describe the nature of the content"
#6042 Define the SVGSVGElement (aka <svg>) load event
#6061 Proposal: HTML use of remote alt text; matching extension/formalization for HTTP Content-Disposition & MIME [xpost html-aam]
#6063 Element reflection references from inner to outer shadow roots
#6073 Declarative worklets proposal/tracking issue
#6088 Custom cursor with draggable elements.
#6162 Expand what MIME types are processed as text files
#6184 Suggestion: introduce window.beforeunloadwarning, deprecate window.onbeforeunload
#6209 Specify what happens to focus if focus is in an iframe that loads another document
#6232 Allow form validation on <output> element
#6323 media fragments support for anchor links
#6335 Link same resource at multiple urls so client can use one that it has cached.
#6354 Fetch's request's credentials mode not set correctly
#6434 Investigate why object is not-interactive, but embed and iframe are
#6480 Custom Elements: deferred upgrade until displayable
#6528 Map <canvas width height> to CSS width/height
#6545 How to display extra base text/ruby text in <ruby>?
#6601 History traversal fetches should be "force-cache", or "only-if-cached"
#6608 Should <link>'s "default fetch and process the linked resource" check if the element is browsing context connected?
#6663 Resolve Attribution Reporting monkeypatches
#6733 Support `<optgroup>` in `<datalist>`
#6782 Use of "run" as a noun is confusing
#6905 window.stop() does not cancel traversal navigations, but the stop button does
#7001 Allow speculative fetches during meta charset prescan
#7009 Module Blocks
#7040 [COOP] Typo in "check if enforcing report-only COOP would require a browsing context group switch" algorithm
#7050 Define rendering rules for all widgets in their native appearance and primitive appearance + pseudo-elements
#7087 [idea] <pre> tag dedentation
#7181 Add mechanism to signal from UA to server whether a newly created password was generated
#7192 Pausing user activation (consume-only-on-reject)
#7255 Environment change causes all lazy `img` elements to load
#7263 "UA: reset the insertion mode appropriately" algorithm clarification
#7266 Paint worklets and canvas
#7357 Create and use a rigorous way to go from Window -> WindowProxy
#7362 Geolocations uses "page visibility change steps"
#7363 Last-Event-ID value space follow-up
#7396 Meta: specs using "page visibility change steps"
#7415 Inline JSON and CSS module scripts
#7478 Hyperlink Auditing (<a ping>) Fetch keepalive flag
#7560 Suggestion - Allow "<slot>" to provide options for select or datalist
#7569 [Meta] Make navigation to outdated hashes in the spec possible
#7630 How is text/event-stream checked?
#7650 Specify the `hidden` attribute as a presentational hint
#7679 Minor manual slot assignment confusion
#7718 <a download> can sometimes just navigate
#7759 Navigating to an anchor, focus, and caret navigation insertion point ordering.
#7798 <canvas> width/height attributes can throw?
#7840 Can a nested worker outlive its parent worker?
#7889 Make preload headers work for fetches created by workers
#7907 Firing click events for <select> and <option> elements isn't clearly defined
#7913 SharedWorker should be partitioned by StorageKey
#7941 Throttling and clamping of setTimeout and setInterval
#7942 (Background) Tab Suspending
#7993 focus-visible styles do not match browsers.
#8012 Intervention: Ignore clicks on iframes that have moved in the last 200 ms
#8013 Prevent top navigations without user activation in some circumstances?
#8015 Add IntersectionObserver target requirement to Event Loops Processing Model
#8023 "BeforeUnloadEvent" user message presets
#8027 Add top-level site to environment. (#8014)
#8055 Add linkage between attributes and HTML-AAM
#8058 Introduction to images should also cover lazy-loading
#8064 Specify how cookies should be serialized
#8066 About "Headings and outlines"
#8070 "Headings and outline" -- Recommended root h1 usage
#8073 The change event for textarea elements isn't fired per spec?
#8079 gamepadconnected and gamepaddisconnected should be listed
#8119 Proposal: keep the previous page as a "menu"
#8145 Clarify the fill algorithm
#8186 Editorial: Provide submit button examples at concept introduction
#8188 dropEffect in drop/dragend events not interoperable
#8207 Should we select an image source synchronously when updating the image data?
#8240 Introducing "container-query" support on HTML level
#8272 Broken references in HTML Standard
#8274 Why is rel="canonical" forbidden on a?
#8278 Optionality of history.pushState/replaceState’s unused argument
#8284 Support scoping `autocomplete` suggestions to the sites domain
#8336 Link to updated reporting interface
#8355 Add external import maps
#8361 How do shadow roots and slots interact with the content model?
#8363 Editorial: consider using Infra maps instead of JS-spec Records more often
#8367 Consider change to handling focus after dialog dismissal and removal of invoking element
#8375 request: need a way to prevent mobile browser scrolling when focusing an input
#8443 Task queuing for document creation is sketchy
#8445 No load or error event for <video poster>
#8450 Executing finalizers on unload/exit
#8463 "target browsing context" should probably be target navigable
#8478 Headers in quoted content
#8492 Avoid firing 'load' or 'error' events for <img> when the loaded image didn't change
#8517 iframes can still be loaded with frame-src: none
#8520 Standardize the relation between the popup condition, BarProp.visible, and noopener/noreferrer
#8529 A means to extend the life of transient activation
#8534 Bogus assertion in "prepare the script element"?
#8553 Running the same failing module script breaks ECMA assumptions
#8597 autocomplete attribute for tel-country-code not working well for <select> elements
#8649 Consider integrating "scrolled by the user" with CSSOM
#8662 Canvas: actualBoundingBoxLeft & right sum note is confusing
#8665 Support empty URL in registerProtocolHandler
#8680 Should the `dialog` element be considered interactive content?
#8696 There's no way to declare character set (not encoding)
#8697 Don't mangle """username""" and """password""" in "web+" protocol handlers
#8739 Refactoring "determine navigation params policy container" and "determine the origin"
#8741 Add support for rel=stylesheet in Link headers
#8778 Img "sizes": is fallback value optional (per MDN) or required (per current spec)?
#8783 Expose an API to get the top layer element
#8800 Rich Card Previews Metadata
#8846 iframe resource timing: entry should only be created for frame-initiated navigation
#8899 Allow developers to deliver .wasm apps directly to their users
#8906 "unloading document cleanup steps" run in an unclear order
#8930 Consider making the reflected target always the interface the IDL attribute is on
#8945 events fired when drag/drop of files leaves set of files unchanged differ from events fired when file chooser leaves set of files unchanged
#8946 `<input type="file" webkitdirectory="" />` and empty directories
#8959 "That logic, in turn, depends on whether on whet..."
#9000 Storage Access API Standardization
#9016 Add "lbry" to scheme allowlist
#9031 Improve conformance requirements on <link> attributes
#9040 change event for textareas doesn't seem to be defined
#9041 What is the web's "story" for distributing local-first apps?
#9094 typo "The autofill field listed above indicate that t..."
#9154 Add payto to registerProtocolHandler safe listed schemes
#9277 Normalize COOP inheritance with policy container
#9322 New FocusEvent property for getting the FocusOptions
#9371 The width attribute should not be a relevant mutation
#9446 HTML Video Element: Proposal For Support for Srcset and Sizes attributes on source elements
#9458 Add width/height support in DataTransfer.setDragImage
#9473 Define `X-DNS-Prefetch-Control`
#9611 Meta: Get info on authors sentiment and awareness on various HTML features
#9623 Add `allow-unique-origin` keyword in iframe/CSP sandbox
#9682 HTMLOptionElement's dirtiness concept is lacking
#9692 "follow the hyperlink" calls "navigate" with a URL string, but it should instead pass a URL
#9729 [Cookie Layering] Add a "has cross-site ancestor" bit to pass on to Fetch
#9737 <link rel=preconnect> doesn't support the media attribute
#9743 `<details>` element does not fire a `beforetoggle` event.
#9766 Window named properties implementations include more than just "HTML Elements" with an id attribute
#9769 Rowgroup headers should go into headers list directly after step 3 (assignment of row headers)
#9773 Attribute index for script's type attribute was not updated for import maps
#9807 consider whether document-level language fallback rules make sense in all cases
#9813 Meta: `dfn` elements made interactive by `html-dfn.js` aren't keyboard accessible
#9815 Defining a Non-Script Native HTML Component Model
#9833 Support Markdown text input
#9890 Update the Steps to fire beforeunload to allow to be skipped by WebDriver-BiDi
#9894 Add "callto" to the safelisted schemes
#9913 Add device-eid and device-imei autocomplete tokens
#9942 Positioning for showPicker() on non-rendered inputs
#9971 <slot> element with tabindex="-1" causes slotted elements that are usually focusable to not be focusable.
#9973 Should the "focus update steps" consider an `input` element's "input activation steps" rather than just its "activation steps"?
#9981 Normative references to discontinued specs in HTML Standard
#9982 ShadowRoot with true delegatesFocus, predict the target
#9992 colspan="0": Formalize a way to get a cell to span all/remaining columns
#10008 `window.log/warn/error` as native toast notification
#10019 Callback steps in "start intersection-observing a lazy loading element" may return too early
#10020 Port streams
#10021 Prevent requests to HTTP(S) URLs containing raw `\n` and `<`
#10023 [CEReactions] and IDL attribute
#10083 Labeled control when moving the mouse around is inconsistent accross UAs
#10090 Ability to configure whether script elements should execute for setHTMLUnsafe()
#10115 Autocomplete attribute value to indicate form input is third-party data
#10134 Define interaction with `field-sizing` CSS property and inline writing suggestions
#10158 Add a way to automatically get script license and unminified code (if available)
#10160 Clarification for nested `kbd` elements
#10183 Is this bad to suggest that placeholder attributes can contain expected formats?
#10234 onfocusout and onfocusin event handler content attributes
#10252 navigable's "is delaying load events" is not reset when navigation aborted
#10255 Upgrade `structuredClone` options object with `skipNotSerializable` to avoid cloning exceptions
#10288 Is that correct to destroy a document before unloading all descendants?
#10293 Fieldset should support readonly attribute
#10295 Sentence in 6.11.7 doesn't seem right
#10301 Should keyup be an activation triggering input event?
#10306 4.8.13 The area element: Inconsistency between circle state and rectangle state
#10307 Clarify precedence of A2B tags in ICC profiles
#10314 Prefixes and suffixes for textual `<input>`s
#10315 Using URL as map keys is problematic without defining equality
#10335 Drag and drop spec allows multiple values for dropEffect which might cause browsers to behave differently.
#10337 Proposal for event ordering when inserting replacement text such as text prediction, spell checker, etc
#10371 Fetch priority hint for dynamic modules
#10377 Specify That Responsive Video Elements Re-Evaluate Sources on Media Change, Like Picture
#10406 HTML parser doesn't tell when it should suspend and resume
#10423 Allow for named base URLs so that relative links can be used for multiple websites or subsites
#10429 DOMString and USVString are not linked in IDL
#10431 Should clicking a label contained in a button with popovertarget toggle the popover?
#10438 move style changes for opening/closing details into UA sheet rather than being style attribute manipulation
#10443 A way to declare ties in ordered lists
#10461 Permissions Policy should be moved into the Policy Container
#10485 Extend current slot beyond shadow-DOM or create a new slot like element
#10514 Exception reporting muting is not interoperable
#10516 Update all call sites of the old "report the exception"
#10517 Specify error event filename/lineno/colno
#10526 Error reporting in HostEnqueuePromiseJob is not specified nor interoperable
#10532 Silence Jake diagram conformance warnings on CI
#10585 Iframe `sandbox` compatibility with Service Workers
#10593 Support opening dialog modals without automatic closing behaviour
#10600 ElementInternals reportValidity() should focus the validation anchor element
#10608 Missing tasks in parallel steps in HTML Standard
#10616 Allowing to start cross-document transition immediately
#10623 `colgroup` elements should map `width` attribute to the dimension property `width`
#10627 `beforeunload` should fire for documents with active Media Capture
#10639 Add `beforechange` event to inputs
#10640 LinkProcessingOption's document "pending" state does not seem to be defined
#10664 `alert()`/`confirm()`/`prompt()` focus behavior is not specified
#10680 Word processor new HTML control proposal
#10740 Remove unnecessary "in the HTML namespace"
#10742 alert() and friends should check for a fully active document in "cannot show simple dialogs"
#10757 Missing conversion step in **encoding-parsing a URL**
#10769 Improving gender identity of the autocomplete attribute
#10784 Navigator#taintEnabled / Navigator#oscpu appear in extracted WebIDL
#10793 ul and menu elements should unambiguously describe that "unordered" refers only to author's meaning
#10803 Add mechanism to control enablement of handwriting
#10804 [Editorial] Use "environment settings object" instead of "global object" when appropriate
#10806 [Input] Dual Range slider and strict markers
#10807 Content labeling for automatic filtering for suicide prevention or other sensitive issues
#10808 Update the image data of a partially-available image
#10812 Strengthen form control localization requirements
#10832 Lift restriction on buttons with implicit `type=submit` and `command`/`commandfor` being no-op
#10842 Force a browsing context group swap when navigating to and from file: URLs
#10848 Window name targeting: which subtree to search is not interoperable
#10849 Window name targeting: checking "allowed by sandboxing to navigate" is not interoperable
#10850 Window name targeting: tie-breaking for same-named top-level traversables is not interoperable
#10852 Allow form controls in a shadow root to participate in it's host form submission
#10853 Integrate with the move event for window defined by CSSOM-View
#10864 Ability to disable toggling/closing details
#10867 Cookie partitioning on localhost is underspecified
#10869 Add Scoped Custom Element Registries
#10885 ARIA and Accessibility API in HTML specification
#10903 Reserve/free quota for `fetchLater`
#10918 Dialog light dismiss PR contains source comment that should have been removed
#10935 Details toggle event does not report reason for toggle
#10944 Replenishment of element queue or backup element queue can be performed for the same element
#10948 Proposal: Introduce <field-array> and <field-object> for Native Array/Object Handling in HTML Forms.
#10976 Locale setting is incomplete (international settings)
#10991 Pass a top-level navigation initiator origin to Fetch
#10993 Remove links to defunct Twitter account
#11008 Hint popovers can't be the "topmost open popover ancestor" of dialog elements
#11011 Popover, modal, and [inert] stylesheet contents should maybe have their own section
#11013 WheelEvent (or MouseEvent) should specify a device type
#11020 SPA route alias caching
#11031 WebAssembly JS String Builtins & the ESM Integration
#11041 💡 Allow window.focus() between same-origin tabs
#11043 Button activation behavior can call "show a modal dialog" with not-connected dialog
#11052 popovertarget and popovertargetaction should move to "16 Obsolete features"
#11056 Keyboard behavior for the `interesttarget` attribute
#11057 Typo in 15.5.1 - Native appearance
#11059 Meeting 17 for joint OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG task force on styleable form controls
#11064 navigation API: resolve the finished promise
#11065 Editorial: Fix some typos


Try to maintain fewer than 25 agenda items and discuss issues on the agenda within . [ More Info ] [ See these issues on Github ]

Issue Title Within SLO On the agenda for Time left Time past SLO
#11055 Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 2025-02-27
#10296 Slowly removing/reducing the margin collapsing quirk.
#11031 WebAssembly JS String Builtins & the ESM Integration