whatwg/webidl Issues

Last updated Mar 6, 2025, 6:02:12 AM UTC.

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Issue Title Within SLO On maintainers' plates for Time left Time past SLO
#159 Add a contributing guide
#236 ByteString still seems off
#334 Add examples for extended attribute usage
#415 Example 26 makes confusing reference
#514 Allow multimaps (or directly support them)
#535 "invoke" not a unique enough algorithm name
#653 Consider allowing only one NamedConstructor per interface
#683 Enumeration order of properties on the global object
#692 Dealing with argument types for callback functions
#708 Clarify "applicable extended attributes"
#714 Remove "supports indexed/named properties"
#743 Use Oxford comma
#787 Promise wait-for-all link text confusing
#817 synthetic module imports
#877 "available only in secure contexts" assert seems incorrect
#895 Creating a sequence from an iterable: IteratorClose not called
#904 record<> converted to a JS value should use a null prototype
#918 Add an intro section to WebIDL for newcomers to the web platform
#926 "lists of values that are passed by value" is confusing
#939 Ident underscore escape confusion
#942 ObservableArray and Namespace
#1022 "static" method steps/getter steps/setter steps?
#1029 Meta: remove Complain About: accidental-2119 no
#1077 [SameObject]/[NewObject] should be allowed on unions and other objects
#1079 Why is "unrestricted" an alternative of ArgumentNameKeyword?
#1086 Constructors should be excluded from inheritance
#1120 Deprecate URLMismatchError
#1134 Namespaces disallow ObservableArray attributes, but allow other interfaces
#1217 IDL grammar section should not discuss symbols in terms of fonts
#1267 `record<>` should allow the keytype to be a typedef that resolves to one of the allowed string types
#1291 “Define the (static|unforgeable regular) attributes” algs say namespace is a possible argument
#1330 Definition name uniqueness requirement omits mixins
#1375 Offer [[ArrayBufferDetachKey]] abstraction?
#1377 Truncation in "convert a Web IDL arguments list to an ECMAScript arguments list" seems (potentially) incorrect
#1414 What types are allowed where is scattered and inconsistent
#1425 Specifications which use "invoke a callback function" should be updated to specify their exception handling behavior.
#1439 ConvertToInt should take an explicit argument for its conversion approach
#1459 Add a `disposer` keyword for disposal methods
#1460 Legacy platform objects' [[DefineOwnProperty]] refers to possibly nonexistent Desc.[[Value]]
#1465 Upgrade QuotaExceededError to a DOMException derived interface
#1470 Variable in step 9.2 of #wait-for-all should be renamed `fulfillmentHandlerSteps`
#1475 Editorial: Add a Web Platform Design Principles link for `[Exposed=*]`